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Job offer : PICU Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc

PICU Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc is looking for an experienced full time equivalent (F/M/X) pediatric intensivist. Job offer for 1 year with possibility of permanent position including scientific project. Candidacy wanted before half of July 2024. Please mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Job offer: Resident, Hospital Professor

Job offer: Resident, Hospital Professor (associated or not), Universitary Hospital Praticioner (Senior or not) (H/F/X) with full-time appointment at the PICU.

1st BePICS research day (new date!) - Wednesday May 29th, @ UCL Brussels

We have organized a half day symposium, free of charge, with presentations relevant to anyone doing clinical research in a PICU, combined with free paper sessions. Attendees are invited to submit an abstract, or a research topic to discuss with colleagues.

Membership 2024 is now open

Every healthcare professional, albeit medical, nursing or paramedical, actively involved on a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, or who supports the aims of our society, can become a member of Be-Pics.

Benefits of membership include :

  • Participation in educational and scientific activities hosted by Be-Pics, and a discount on the registration fees.
  • Regular newsletters with relevant information on Pediatric Intensive Care
  • The opportunity to shape our professional future by joining the working groupseducation and science.
  • Representation of your professional group on a national and international level.
  • Network opportunities within the Belgian PICU-community.

Membership extension only requires payment of the annual membership fee of 100€ for effective medical members and 20€ for all effective non-medical members (nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists) and for all joined members. Payments can be made on the ING account BE 08 3632 1054 5513 of Be-Pics VZW, with mentioning of “name – membership Be-Pics 2024”.

New Be-pics member? Please apply via

Be-Pics 5th Symposium September 14th

Please already mark September 14th in your agendas for our next Be-Pics symposium!

With a Centrally located venue - the Royal library in Brussels - and with a very relevant topic – high flow oxygen therapy - we hope to convince all of you to join us!

Please register using our external event provider, EventGoose:

Organization of Paediatric Intensive Care and Formation in Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine : Open letter and viewpoint Be-Pics

One of the aims of Be-Pics is to promote the recognition of PICU’s and to promote the education in paediatric intensive care medicine for medical and non-medical health professionals. In view of this, we addressed various stakeholders in the organization of healthcare and education with an open letter. We hope for a positive response and a fruitful discussion on these important matters.

Dutch letter

French letter

study proposal : “Prospective, multicentric randomized, controlled trial comparing midazolam and dexmedetomidine as primary sedative agent in critically ill children”.

If interested, please contact Pieter De Cock via e-mail

More information in this PDF.

study proposal : “Perception of healthcare providers regarding Advanced Nurse Practitioners on Belgian PICUs : an explorative study”.

Participants will engage in an interview on this relevant topic, conducted by the main investigator. If interested, please contact Annemie Moors via e-mail

More information in this PDF.

PICU bed-availability

Our community vows to support each other in providing pediatric critical care for all children requiring this. For any queries regarding PICU bed-availability, following contactnumbers are available:

CHC Liège: 04/3555200 (Medical coordination)
Citadelle Hôpital Liège: 04/3216111 (ask for Salle 39 – PICU)
Hôpital de Jolimont: 064/234872 (Medical coordination)
HUDERF Bruxelles: 02/4773240 or 02/4773241 (PICU)
UZ Antwerpen: 03/8213500 (Medical coordination)
UZ Brussel: 02/4763062 (Medical coordination) or 02/4777715 (PICU)
UZ Gent: 09/3326955 (Medical coordination) or 09/3320551 (PICU)
UZ Leuven: 016/340979 (Medical coordination)
UCL Bruxelles: 02/7642700 (Medical coordination)

Vacancies - medical and nursing

University Hospital Antwerpen (UZA) is looking to expand its medical PICU-team with enthusiastic pediatric intensivists:

Het Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen gaat verder met de uitbouw van haar Kinderintensieve Zorgen afdeling en is daarvoor op zoek naar meerdere enthousiaste nieuwe kinderintensivisten! Op dit ogenblik telt onze dienst 9 bedden, waarbij ouders dag en nacht bij hun kind kunnen verblijven. Er is ondersteuning van een uitgebreid team kinderartsen met vertegenwoordiging van alle tertiaire pediatrische subdisciplines waaronder een groeiende dienst pediatrische onco-hematologie. Verder is er een uitgebreid aanbod in de verschillende disciplines van de pediatrische chirurgie. Onze (kinder) spoed is erkend als level 1 traumacentrum. 

Voor informatie of het maken van een afspraak kan men zich wenden tot Els Duval, hetzij via mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), hetzij via telefoon (0492.203848).

University Hospital Ghent(UZG) has job-opportunities for PICU-nurses.

UZ Gent provides full-range PICU-support including respiratory support, renal replacement therapy and ECMO for a mixed medical/surgical/cardiac surgical patient population, in a state-of-the-art 14-bed PICU-facility, embedded in the Prinses Elisabeth Kinderziekenhuis. A holistic and interdisciplinary (medical and nursing) approach with 24/7 family-centered care is highly valued. More details are to be found via following link: 

Verpleegkundige intensieve zorg, spoedgevallen en brandwondencentrum (

Belgian Academy of Paediatrics

The Belgian Academy of Paediatrics (in which Be-Pics is represented) has developed a new website :


Memorandum of understanding training Pediatric Intensivist

The training as intensivist in Belgium is a supplementary training as a subspecialist, following certification in anesthesia, pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery or emergency medicine. 
This results in extra certification. Promotion of a specific and high-quality training program for Pediatric Intensivists is a primary aim of our society. 

Taking into consideration the current criteria for general training in intensive care, and looking forward to the future needs of the job, Be-Pics has put forward a specific proposition how this is best filled out for doctors training to be a pediatric intensivist, following a request by the flemish certification committee for intensive care medicine. Full texts can be found on this website.

Vacature voor een kinderintensivist in het Maastricht UMC+

De volledige vacature vind je via

Let wel: hierin staat dat het maar voor een periode van 6 maanden is, maar dit is ondertussen uitgebreid naar 1 jaar met ook mogelijk vaste aanstelling nadien.

Vacancy ZNA Koningin Paola Kinderziekenhuis for a Pediaric Intensivist (full-time/part-time)

Please see the PDF attached for more info about this exciting vacancy!


BEPICS 3rd evening symposium

On 21 october 2021, Be-Pics organizes its 3rd evening symposium, a LIVE event at the beautiful setting of “Het Predikheren in Mechelen/Malines”  

Newsletter Belgian Paediatric Covid-19 task force

Be-Pics is represented in the Belgian Paediatric Covid-19 task force. Please read their most recent newsletter here: